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Patricia López

Shape your success with bite-sized wisdom that will take your interview skills to new heights

Interview Coaching

The Magic of Interview Coaching

Take your skills to the next level

Interview preparation is absolutely vital for success! Even the most accomplished leaders struggle sometimes when faced with an interview in an unfamiliar environment, away from the work dynamics they are used to in their current role. Having placed numerous senior managers, directors and Vice Presidents in some of the most prestigious international organisations around the globe, I have seen smart and talented individuals with impressive professional backgrounds fail due to over confidence and a lack of preparation.


This is where Interview Coaching can add tremendous value, empowering you to put your best foot forward and making your accomplishments shine. The best Interview Coach will not give you a scripted speech aimed at providing standardised answers that are deemed to be the "right ones". Great Interview Coaching is about understanding the attributes, accomplishments and personality traits that make you special, and guiding you on the best way to communicating this during an interview to set you above the competition.


It is also a fact that not all interviewers are great at interviewing and it is very likely that you will be interviewed during your professional career by interviewers who won´t ask the right questions that will allow you to shine. When you go to an interview prepared with the right coaching tools, you will enter the room with the confidence that, regardless of your interviewer´s recruitment abilities, you know exactly how to present yourself in order to deliver your key messages and  make an outstanding impact.

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Interview Coaching Services

Gain confidence and ace your next interview


Interview coaching

Present yourself effectively and confidently during interviews


Coffe Q&A Session

Get practical tips and answers related to acing job interviews


CV & Linkedin Review

Showcase your skills with a strong CV and Linkedin profile

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